book markets, Digital, ebook, english, Publishing Beyond Publishers

A new report explores the many surprising facets of how authors and their readers have reinvented the book business on digital platforms. Click here > Free download for a limited time! There is so much more going on in the international book business then what...

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english, Politik und Kultur

On a current debate about culture and politics in Austria. “Anyone who rejects our way of life must leave!” The ÖVP’s Leitkultur is directly linked to motifs from Austrofascism in the 1930s. Expulsion The “Kleine Zeitung” from Graz, of all places, a media voice that...

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english, Uncategorized

The Global 50 Publishing Ranking 2023 introduces and analyzes leading publishing corporations worldwide. The “Global 50 Publishing Ranking”, which has been updated every year since 2007, represents 50 companies that each report revenues from publishing of over 150mEUR (or 200mUSD). Researched by Ruediger Wischenbart Content...

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