Markets + Reports

We map and analyze international book and publishing markets at all levels:

  • The Global 50 Ranking presents the 50 largest publishing organizations worldwide every year since 2007, in cooperation with Bookdao (China), buchreport (Germany),   Livres Hebdo (France) and Publishers Weekly (USA);
  • The Digital Consumer Book Barometer is analyzing in depth digital book markets, covering ebooks, audiobooks, download and subscription sales, in cooperation with with support from Bookwire, DeMarque and Libranda as well as the International Publishing Distribution Association (IPDA) and the Readmagine Festival); 
  • The Diversity Report series looks into cultural diversity by the example of translations of current literary works in Europe since 2008, with support from the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the Slovenian Book Agency);

Furthermore, we systematically observe book bestseller charts since 2006 in collaboration with leading international specialist publications, drew a world map of book markets with BookMap, and are active partners to academic research initiatives on digital and analog reading, notably eRead and the elit network.

We discuss current trends and observations from these subject areas on the blog and on Twitter at @wischenbart.

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